Sunday, October 10, 2010


Motherhood is picking someone else's nose and wiping its contents on your clothes.
Motherhood is sitting in a parked car outside of your house so your baby can finish out her nap.
Motherhood is always having mystery backwash in your drink, and drinking it anyway.
Motherhood is having Cheerios on the floor constantly. And not caring.
Motherhood is having a closet full of dresses that will never get worn and they don't belong to you.
Motherhood is eating cold meals. Again. And again. And again.
Motherhood is forfeiting your dignity in public places in order to keep your child content.
Motherhood is an aching back at the end of every day.
Motherhood is work. Hard work.
Motherhood is walking around for the rest of your life with your heart outside of your body.
Motherhood is finding joy in a dirty diaper or a poop on the potty.
Motherhood is exercise.
Motherhood is not feeling confident in what you're doing all of the time.
Motherhood is a lesson in patience.
Motherhood is exhausting.
Motherhood is effortless love.
Motherhood is juggling many things at once.
Motherhood is an adventure.
Motherhood is spending hours in prayer over tiny, sleeping bodies.
Motherhood is being the first one awake in your house and the last one to sleep.
Motherhood is the perfect balance of meticulous planning and carefree spontaneity.
Motherhood is a big responsibility placed on us by God.
Motherhood is finally getting an understanding of God's love for us.
Motherhood is the greatest joy of my life.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh. so true. the hardest work but the most rewarding. you both look beautiful!
