Monday, July 26, 2010

Random Thing of the Day

JD and I are addicted to crime TV shows. We watch all of those Datelines that relay stories of spouses murdering each other over life insurance policies. What baffles us is how the 100 lb petite woman can dispose of her 200 lb husband's lifeless body all by herself. After watching several of these shows in a row one night, we thought we'd try it. He laid limp on the floor while I tried to drag and move him. I couldn't move him an inch. So we switched and I laid on the floor....he flung me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs in mere seconds. I'm screwed. For this reason, if either of us mentions life insurance we both get very suspicious.


  1. omg, this too made me totally laugh. the visual of trying to move a lifeless man on the carpet is too funny. i actually love these shows too but my husband doesn't like them he especially hates the voice of the really old and wrinkley reporter on dateline. i love his storytelling voice - it always adds a little extra drama to the story. p.s. did you see the one about the crazy cougar who killed her boyfriend, then drowned herself and their baby? so sad... :(

  2. This cracks me up! We totally watch these shows too. I love 20/20 mysteries.

  3. Aly, I read your blog and your posts make me crack up! You are a great writer:-) Keep 'em coming!

  4. LOVE IT!!! These are my new favorite reads! Your random things.
    You're great Aly!!
