Our church just built this huge new sanctuary that allows for many awesome Christian artists to come and have concerts. JD and I have been to 3 in the last 3 months and we just love it. Point of Grace performed their Christmas concert last night and it was really fun. I struggled staying awake since I NEVER go out at night, but it was a great, Christmasy date.
Here's what I wore:
Never mind how crazy my eyes look in that photo, I felt like a nerd taking a photo by myself in the lobby of church while people walked by staring. I was trying to tell JD with my eyes to hurry up and take the picture already. Let's just say he was dawdling...
Necklace, Forever 21
Top/dress, French Connection
Jeggings, Forever 21
Boots, Nine West
I was all excited to take the photo because it's the first time I have dressed in an outfit that was cute in a few weeks, but it was freezing in the concert so I kept my coat on and wrinkled myself something terrible. Sigh. Just ignore the wrinkles. I am.
Speaking of POG, Shelley (one of the awesome trio) sang at our wedding. She is a close friend of my sister in law. We love her for that and feel like we are
Haha! Bless your heart. I have had that happen SO many times when I thought I was looking adorable, then when I see pictures later I'm a wrinkly hot mess! You still look super cute, though! Aren't jeggings the best?!