I'm pretty much giving up on posting these on Saturdays because I'm lucky to wash my hair on the weekends, let alone dress up. We stepped out this morning to catch early church and because it's raining and cold, we are staying in the rest of the day. In sweat pants and fleece pullovers. And this weekend I never washed my hair so it's even better. Lazy, rainy Sundays are always better with fleece and stinky hair. Trust me, I'm an expert.
Head to toe J. Crew
Corduroy coat, Baby Gap
Smocked dress, Royal Child
Tights, Baby Gap
Mary Janes, Target
This is a terrible angle but JD was getting grumpy and I was feeling stupid trying to explain its purpose for the blog so this is what I have to work with.
Sparkly sweats, Victoria's Secret
Fleece pullover, ancient Gap (like, it's probably from high school)
fyi, you rock both styles... unwashed hair & all! ps: i wish my hair looked that good when it's not washed.