Monday, January 31, 2011

Here's the Deal

So by now, most of you have probably been wondering why this blog has had such high levels of suckage lately. Stop being polite. Even I know it has sucked. I have lost 5 followers in the last 3 weeks. That's a lot when you only have a hundred or so. There are many reasons for the suckage actually. The holidays really wiped me out. We were busy and rushing around with family. There's been the stress of keeping our place clean and tidy for real estate showings. We have had 3 so far in the last week so we are hopeful that we will get an offer soon. And honestly, I haven't felt all that creative lately. Oh and then there's this.

I'm pregnant with baby #2. My loins beareth fruit. Hooray, yay!!!! Phew. That feels like a 100 lbs has been lifted off of my shoulders. That has been the hardest secret to keep from my bloggy world. I hate keeping secrets because it kind of feels like lying. So, I have barely written anything. And all of the stuff I come up with  to write has to do with pregnancy so I have just been laying low, hoping not to lose anymore of you.

How did this happen, you ask? Well, other than the obvious (brown chicken brown cow), we had a moment in October where we thought we might be pregnant. When we weren't, we decided that we really wanted to be. So we did what we had to do to make it happen. Again and again and again and again and again. And a month later, I took that picture up there early in the morning. We are thrilled and can't wait to make Beatrice a big sister.

Go pop a cork and celebrate for me. It will be approximately 29 more weeks before I will be popping any corks or celebrating in that fashion. Yay for babies!!


  1. yah!!! how exciting! so happy for you all :) :)

  2. Omg! That is so exciting! I kinda hard a feeling you guys would be soon because of the news about wanting to sell your house so quickly. I am so happy for you guys! And boo for those five people, they don't know what they are missing now! Yay! Congrats!!!

  3. so happy for you! more babies = more wonderful :)

  4. Aw, congratulations! My baby is only 3 months old and I'm already counting in my head for the next one. They are just such precious gifts!

  5. Congratulations!! Is it weird that I don't really "know" you, and yet I kind of had a feeling that you were pregnant?! Okay, totally weird, but I'm so excited for you!! (and too bad for loser followers, they're totally missing out!)

  6. Soo soo exciting! Happy Ding Dong Day!!

    Hope you are feeling alright!

  7. CONGRATS!!!!! SO happy for you!!!

  8. I saw on SK! I am so excited for you! (Also a lot jealous! But in a good way!)

  9. Congrats! I saw your ticker yesterday on SK and wondered when you would announce on your blog! So happy for you and you family!

  10. YAY! Congrats... get ready, life is about to get absolutely insane. H&H 9 to you!

  11. Congratulations!!! When are you due? I, myself, am due in August!

  12. I hope I'm not the only who caught your brown chicken brown cow comment....Glad I'm not the only one who uses that expression. Congrats Cuz!

  13. Yay! Just found your absolutely hilarious blog, Aly! I have absolutely enjoyed reading your posts! Congrats on baby #2...Beatrice is going to be such a cute big sister!

  14. Oooh I knew it! All that talk about HAVING to sell and its TOO small. Had a feeling, congrats!
