Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bloggity Blog

A year ago today, I wrote this very lame post. I didn't really know what direction I wanted to take this blog (still kind of don't), but I wanted to write about the random nonsense that creeps into my mind along with some meaningful stuff too. I hope that I have accomplished that. In a year, I have grown from zero followers to 150 (woohoo!), I have encouraged others and been encouraged, I have admitted some weaknesses that made me feel vulnerable, I have gotten personal, I have met new friends, I have offended the mean internet lady,  and I hope I have made you laugh. This blog continues to be a creative outlet for me to not only share my thoughts, but also hone my writing. Thank you for reading and commenting and being apart of this little corner of the internet. Cheers!

To celebrate, I took the blog to the beach. It's having a lovely time. See for yourself. The blog really knows how to kick up its feet and relax.


  1. happy birthday :) And I'm so jealous of that beach trip!

  2. YAY for the blog's bday!! I enjoy it so much, I am constantly getting online to see if a new entry is up, it's so silly! And yay for us we'll be at the beach in a month!! woohoo Enjoy your vacation - love the pics of that sweet baby girl!!

  3. Happy Birthday, Aly's Bloggity Blog! So thankful that this blog was started and for getting to know you over the web :)
