I've heard about this place for awhile now and always wanted to go, but thought it was going to be more treacherous than it really is. Some friends guaranteed it was safe and stroller friendly, so we finally went.
I'm so glad we did. Even on a cloudy day, it was spectacular. The path was wide, the workout was challenging, and the views were breathtaking. Have I mentioned the views?
There was definitely some element of danger though. The fencing was easily scalable so curious little bodies stayed strapped into their strollers until we were on safer ground.
The path trails through a gorgeous luxury resort so in the midst this untouched rugged terrain, there was complete opulence. Welcome to California.
The best part about the cliff walk is we can go anytime. It's a short drive from our house and is completely free. Hooray!
So pretty! What a fun walk!