Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dear Mom

I never appreciated my mother very much when I was a child. I knew she did a lot for us, but I never realized how much until I became a mother. And now that I am a mama, I understand that she didn't just do a ton for my family, but she taught me some valuable things as well.

She taught me how to kiss boo-boos and comfort sick babies.

She taught me how to clean, do laundry, and cook for my family.

She taught me that sometimes moms eat peanut butter and crackers so the kids can have turkey sandwiches and fruit.

She taught me that a mother's job continues well after the kids go to bed.

She taught me that the worst day can be rescued with a hug and a kiss from a little one.

She taught me that kids grow up to be adults, and while disobedience and sass may be cute when they're little, it's not cute when they are older.

She taught me how to discipline my children.

She taught me how to sacrifice for my children.

She taught me how to delight in my children.

She taught me that my strength comes from God.

She taught me how to raise my children in the admonition of the Lord and that teaching them to love Him is the most valuable thing I can give them.

She taught me that my mood determines the moods of everyone else in my home.

She taught me that moms are not perfect and tomorrow's a new day to do better.

She taught me that my girls are watching me. What I do and how I conduct myself is the biggest (and first) education my girls will get on how to follow God.

She taught me how to follow God.

She taught me how to make peanut butter cookies.

She taught me to clean the kitchen every night before bed, no exceptions.

She taught me how to be a mama.

I love you, mom!

Happy Mother's Day! I love being these girls' mama. Thanks for teaching me how.

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